Command and Control (C2) Wind Tunnel: High-Level Autonomy for Multi-Rotorcraft Experiments

Multiple computational nodes will perform simulations of quad-rotor vehicle control models, allowing evaluation of various human-UAV interaction protocols through the C2WT infrastructure (under development at Vanderbilt). To this end, models will be created for advanced simulation and control, based on existing abstractions and models developed by researchers at UC Berkeley. During this project, collaborative work with Vanderbilt University, UC Berkeley, and George Mason University, we demonstrated several key technologies developed by UA students. In the slides, you will learn of the modeling, computation, control, simulation, and communication issues that were integrated with the C2 Wind Tunnel, and various algorithms that were proved or tested using the simulation environment. This work is supported by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, under award #FA9550-06-1-0267, titled "Human Centric Design Environments for Command and Control Systems: The C2 Wind Tunnel".

Principal Investigators: Jonathan Sprinkle (University of Arizona)
Funding Agency: Vanderbilt University
AFOSR Contract Number: FA9550-06-1-0267
UA Award Number: 1879-S4